Welcome to our Zoom Rooms

欢迎来到我们的 “聆听小房间”

新朋友或者任何需要代祷的弟兄姐妹,欢迎您点击 “聆听小房间” 的按键。我们的教会领袖将会在小房间里与您见面,并为您祷告。

只需要确保您已经安装了 Zoom App,然后记得开启您的音频和视频。“聆听小房间” 会在崇拜结束过后开放30分钟的时间。如果您错过了这段时间,别担心。您可以透过 “联络我们” 的表格给我们留言。

If you are here for the first time or if you require prayers, click on our available zoom rooms that are currently online. Our teams are there to meet you and pray for you.

Please make sure you have Zoom installed and remember to turn on your Audio and Video.
We will be here for 30 minutes after the service ends.
If you missed us, you can drop us a message at our Contact us form.

我们的电邮Email Us at wecare@fmc.org.my